
Walk on paintball

Saturdays 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Next Speedball day Sept 21st

Walk on airsoft

1st / 3rd Sunday of every month

Winter hours 1:00 p.m. to dark

Spring/Summer times vary please call ahead 

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Bring your own gear

Includes Field fee/unlimited air fills







Standard rental package


Includes rental gun / mask

500 paintballs or  900 BBs



Upgraded rental package


Includes EMEK rental/electric hopper 

500 paintballs (faster rate of fire) 

*limited availability 


Bring your own gear

Includes Field fee/unlimited air fills


Standard rental package


Includes rental gun / mask

500 paintballs or a 900 BBs


Trigger happy package

(Open Play Saturdays) Includes 1000 paintballs, rental gun/tank/hopper, rental mask.


Upgraded rental gun package

(Limited availability call ahead) Emek, electric hopper, 1000 paintballs, mask.


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10 player package


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15 player package


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20 player package


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Birthday Special w/ Gift!


off-site rentals available

$45 for rental gear and ammo. (Limited availability)

airsoft flyer